Application Settings

Veterinary software : Datavet parameters

Datavet is almost entirely configurable.
A default setting is created when the software is installed.
The default settings must be verified.

  • General Parameters -> Set your preferences, the fields of this form are often pre-filled for ease of use software. This section does not require special attention
  • Cash Register : If you want to sell Pet's items, it's another way to bill the products derived from your activity (necklaces, kibbles, or other accessories). In these settings you can choose the items you want to bill in your store.
  • Billing Parameters -> Set your billing preferences, certain values must be verified.
  • Commercial Documents -> Settings your business documents  Learn More
  • Currency - Vat-Bank - Payments -> Pre set, Opens a window with several tabs, All information must be filled
  • Expenditure revenue -> Contains the breakdown items of the receipts / expenses entries.
       These headings should be identical to those requested by the tax authorities to which you make your declaration.
       They are editable and are depending on the country where you live.
       Datavet is designed so that you can complete your year-end documents yourself without the help of an expensive accountant.

  • Duning letter -> Reference text for the automation of the establishment of customer recovery letters. Available in several languages.
  •                             Learn More
  • Bill of exchange -> Not applicable for this version. only used in the accounting version.
  • Timetable -> Etablissement de la lettres d'accompagnement des clients souhaitant "étaler" le paiement sur plusieurs mois.

  • Parameterization of external applications  Learn More

  • Formatting editions  Learn More

  • Bar Code Parameters - if you use a 3D hand shower for entering pharmaceuticals,
  •        although pre-parameterized for barcode Datamatrix we advise you to check the values recorded in this form.
  • The items listed below are primarily used to facilitate the entry of information. These data are included throughout the software, and they are requested during the establishment of many documents (Orders, Certificates, Invoicing etc ...)
  • They are predefined when Datavet is installed.
  • New entries are to be added at the end of the list displayed by each form.
  • Species
  • Races
  • Genders 
  • Certificats médicaux -> Prédéfinis à l'installation, ils nécéssite d'être adapté a votre activité.
  • Biochemistry -> Form containing analysis information for each breed of animals. Optional information...
  • Count -> Form containing analysis information for each breed of animals. Optional information...

  • The following "buttons" do not require settings, they execute procedures or open control forms that make software maintenance easier.
  • We recommend using these features at least once a month.
  • Changes to rates -> Used when VAT rates change.
  • Update base of medicines
  • Correction of animal inconsistencies -> An incomplete animal record distorts a certain number of results.
  •         Espéce - Race - Sex, are values that must always be entered in the animal form.
  •         This procedure generates a form displaying the result of the inconsistencies to be corrected. More Here
  • Correction of inconsistencies -> Silently runs the field fill with incomplete information no form is attached to this function.
  • Purge files -> Functionality to use with great caution ....
        Open the information removal form. This feature is also present on the screen
        Home. Make a backup before using this feature.