Veterinary software: The medical file

Tab: certificates and other indications

This tab gathers for each animal, the establishment of the medical certificates issued

He understands :

  • The list of certificates issued for this animal. the certificates can be established automatically among one of the 3 languages offered.

   Click here for more information

  • The list of invoices established for this animal.
  • The selection of the referent veterinarian. The latter has been positioned on this page for to facilitate the calculation of possible back margins according to the turnover achieved)
  • Certificate creation language:
    Only the libels of the card concerning the animal are translated. (Animal name, size weight etc).
    The accompanying text corresponds to the one you did not compose when you have created it.
    Nb: you can create as much text in as many languages as you want.

          Example of automatically generated certificate

  • The formatting and the accompanying text of the cerficats can be found in the Parameter menu
    Some data come directly from the animal's file, and are modifiable immediately
    A mini text editor allows you to modify the pre-defined text.
  • The presentation model for each certificate must be completed.

  • This procedure is automatic, if you have correctly pre-printed it in the settings
    (Settings -> Medical certificates "-> choose the edition model)

Text formatting

select a word or phrase with the mouse, a formatting window will appear automatically