Veterinary software : prescription tutorial..

Prescriptions format are in line with the legislation on veterinary drug licensing
(Decree No. 2007-596 of April 24, 2007).
The prescription is modifiable, so for the content for the presentation
(1) - the doctor's name has the origin of the creation of the prescription.
(2) - fill the owner field in the holder of the animal field
(3) - added wording - opens a card containing a list of pre-registered formulations and inserted automatically the text selected in the
(4) - Optional: Opens a window to search for drugs and directly add the selected product in the fields 5,6,7,8. This function to intended to
simplify the entry.
(5) - 6-7: areas of filtering facilitating the selection of the product.
(8) - Enter the amount.
(10) - Charge: From the creation of the prescription form you can, without going out of the form, invoice automatically the product you
prescribe.If an invoice already exists for this consultation, this article will be added, otherwise, a new invoice will be created.
The invoice will be created, or updated, once the products added to the prescription.
(11) - Add automatically the product in the list of history of injections / received by the animal traceability (3rd tab in the animal sheet) .
(12) - Tthe body of the prescription. Free zone, you can change any part of the text.
(13) - You can change the text format by selecting, with your mouse the word, or paragraph, that you want to value.
Paramètres par défaut
Prescriptions are always attached to an animal
For a good operation, in particular for the prescriptions carried out "on the fly" it is necessary to fill in certain data (see graph above).
You must have created at least the following information:
- A practitioner
- An animal
- An animal species
- Aa generic contact
You will then assign the data created in the settings folders, as shown in the graphic above
(Settings -> General settings -> Preferences tab).