Veterinary software : Solution for "difficult installations"
Sometimes the installation goes wrong. The installer does not always recognize your software configuration. As a result, we will customize our installer based on the result returned by the program "MyConfig" 

Downloading the MyConfig.Exe Program

- Please download and execute the program "MyConfig" by clicking on the image opposite

- This small program, returns as a result a window including the software composition of your computer. which could possibly interfere with Datavet.
- Receipt of this information, (to return to us via the "contact" section) we will establish a custom installation program, which will take into account your configuration. or see below...

Example of the Result Window Returned by "MyConfig.Exe"

If the "My config" software returns an empty window, and only in this case :

Download Datavet by clicking  Here

This last operation installs Datavet without any controls.