Some good reasons to choose Datavet

The cost of veterinary software that works by subscription is often prohibitive, between 40 and 70 dollars per month
Ex: Royalty of a veterinary software in the cloud: (from 480 € / year to 840 € / year).
Free software is not that much, it is generally provided by a central purchasing office which does not say its name, the latter will systematically offer you its products. (ex: Centravet)
Datavet was designed, in part, with veterinarians who like confidentiality, being trapped in software,
or a central purchasing office can quickly prove to be very disadvantageous.
Mobility: False Argument of Cloud Software
For veterinarians working in a pastoral world, or in large areas, internet connections are often absent. Remember that WIFI has a maximum range of 120 meters. (without obstacle)
The cloud : The mouse trap
This type of trap involves baiting a mouse in a box that closes once the rodent has caught the piece of cheese, so as to trap it without killing it. Cloud users can experience the same thing when migrating their data. Often cloud providers do not charge for importing data into their systems. In everyday life, would a store charge a customer at the entrance? But when it comes to leaving, the bill immediately becomes infinitely higher.
The interest of having an "All Internet" software is very limited, for your travels, simply bring a laptop or a tablet. Datavet also works remotely on a network. Wherever you are it is very easy to connect directly to your server without going through the "cloud".
With Datavet, you can, with a single click, transfer, via e-mail, all your accounts to your accountant, without having the slightest notion of accounting. (Invoices, receipts, expenses, expense reports). Or, allocate your income / expenses yourself (the software is pre-configured to calculate your 2035 tax package).
We remind you that no law requires you to have a chartered accountant.
Datavet is 48 € euros in all, and for everything.
Soon "ITIVET", a tactile Datavet, special Itinerant which works on a Tablet.
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Confidentiality and ownership of your data.
In some European countries, the tax administration is extremely powerful and has all the rights. (we have tested!).
Never forget that certain administrations can block, at any time all your bank accounts without justification, and on simple appreciation of his share, even if this estimate and without foundation.
all state agencies can easily access your data stored on the internet.
Access providers, and service providers, are under the obligation, at the simple request of administrations, to communicate or facilitate access to the data of suspected persons.
This puts you in close control of your privacy, your accounts, or your customers.
Never believe the confidentiality clauses. They are only written to warn you that there is
no confidentiality.
Datavet has no direct link to the Internet, your data is resident on your computer, and nowhere else.
Latest info dated 08/06/2019
A veterinary surgeon is under tax audit. Reason invoked:
the estimate between the number of meetings, managed via the internet on an independent platform,
(apparently, was not in line with the annual declaration of its turnover .. (financial year 2018)
Our advice: Use the Datavet calendar
Why our software is different
Undeniable advantage: Datavet is the cheapest veterinary software on the market.
The trend and currently to touch computers, Datavet is designed to be used on both tablet, laptop, and desktop computer.
Each screen is optimized to access information with minimal mouse movement. We have also reduced keyboard typing as much as possible. On the other hand, we have maximized touch screen input.
Our veterinary software does not have submenus more or less difficult to access, everything is visible at first glance and accessible with one click.
For many reasons WeSoft is not in favor of cloud technology. There is not necessarily an internet connection at your place of intervention. Security in the "Cloud" is largely contravened. Any tax administration or other, can easily access your data stored in the internet. Access providers are obliged, by contract, with governments, to communicate, or facilitate access to data, administrations who request it. This exposes you to tight control over your privacy, your accounting, or your customer base.
With Datavet, your data resides in your computer, and nowhere else
Our website hosted in Luxembourg, and does not collect any data.