Veterinary software:  injection reminder

2) - Form: Vaccines / Injections Reminder

Always from the same form you access in one click, to the list of vaccines reminders or injections to be carried out the following month.
All fields in this list are editable. the changes will be lost if you rebuild the list.

1 - Date space between which is displayed the list of reminders to be made, by default the date is that of the following month

     The reminder date is based on the reminder date you entered in the animal's record
     ("Injection-traceability" tab -> "Pharmaceutical products delivered by the practitioner" -> "Reminder" field)

2 - You must regenerate the list in case of change of dates.

3 - Selects or deselects all items in the list (red button = exclusion). the buttons are individually configurable

4 - Open directly the animal's medical file

5 - Selects or deselects the notification of this mail.

6 - If you click on the internet address, it opens and automatically composes in your email reader, an e-mail
     ready for shipment.If you have a properly configured e-mail reader on your
       computer. (ex: Outlook, winmail..etc)

7 - By clicking on this button, you can modify the text of your message, validate the changes by "regenerating" the list

Recall Injections: Changing Accompanying Text

To change the accompanying text, please follow the flow of the arrows in the graph above.
The text is identical for shipments by mail, or by e-mail.
You can modify all or part of the 3 text boxes.

1) - The characteristics of the animal are automatically referenced at the end of each line of text.
2) - The formatting selection of the text (bold, underlined etc.) is done in overlay with the mouse the text to be formatted.
3) - Text changes are effective only after a re-generation.

Send by e-mail

A click on the e-mail address of your customer, generate automatically an e-mail to this one
For each e-mail, you just have to click on the "send" button

CAUTION Never send more than 20 emails a day.
Your access provider will "route" your e-mails to their recipient.
         It limits you to a certain number of mailings per day (between 20 and 50 emails per day)
Beyond this amount, you will be considered as "Spamer" All your emails will then be redirected to the trash of your recipient, or in his folder "SPAM".
Your emails will almost never be read.

This procedure is final, if this happens, you create another email address.
Inquire with your internet service provider to know the number of mail / day that you can send.